Poker Body Weight Workout
The Poker Body Weight Workout is an equipment free fun workout you can do at home or any other place with a small amount of space. All you need is a pack of playing cards.
How it works:
Separate all the A,K,Q,J (royal) cards from a deck of cards so you have 16 cards.
Then add 1 Joker card so in total you have 17 cards.
In another pile have the rest of the cards. 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Shuffle the Royal Cards face down pull out 6 cards. One at a time.
After you pull out each Royal card pull out 3 number cards from the other pile.
Add the total of the 3 cards and that’s the number of reps you need to do the exercise.
Replace the counting cards each time.
Each Suite equals a different are of exercise focus:
Spades – Lower Body
Diamonds – Upper Body
Clubs – Core
Hearts – Cardio
Exercise Order
Spades (Lower Body), Diamonds (Upper Body), Clubs (Core), Hearts (Cardio).
Each exercise is done 3 times. That is a total of 18 exercises (3 sets of 6 exercises).
Now pull out your cards and create the days workout.
Spades – Lower Body
Ace – Squats
King – Walking Lunges
Queen – Leaps
Jack – Hip Bridge
Diamonds – Upper Body
Ace – Push Ups
King – Triceps Dips
Queen – Commando Planks
Jack – Inch Worms
Clubs – Core
Ace – Double leg lift/ toe touch
King – Bicycle Sit ups
Queen – Plank (4 seconds per number)
Jack – Flutter Kicks
Hearts – Cardio
Ace – Mountain Climbers
King – Burpees
Queen – Skipping (30 seconds)
Jack – Star Jumps
On your first Royal Card you pull out Ace of diamonds then the numbers 3, 4, 2
That’s 9 Push Ups.
Next you pull out Queen of Diamonds and numbers 6,4,1
That’s 11 Commando Planks
Repeat – Until you have you know your 6 exercises and number of Reps.
If you pull out the Joker card you can choose any exercise you want.
This becomes your exercise program.
Now grab a few friends and challenge them to a work out.
Have fun!! Remember to warm up before you start and stretch at the end.